Below are some of the projects that have struck my fancy.

Game in My Life

I am a big fan of basketball. So, one day I decided to make a couple predictive models around the NBA DPOY and MVP. Here are the results.

Harry Potter Text Mining

I mined the text of the entire Harry Potter book series and explored topics of sentiment in chapters, which genders did specific actions, and what terms are most important to each book.

Obesity in the United States

Exploration of estimated obesity rates (courtesy of University of Wisconsin) from 2010 to 2024 for each county in the United States.

Grant Goes Great

I’ve coached my son in baseball for a few years. As a data wonk, I decided to track the team stats from his Fall Ball 2021 campaign. I’m quite proud of him!

The Interest of Flowers

A Pick Your Passion Project chosen by colleague and friend, Kelly White. Examines the Google search interest indexes for popular flower species.


Jim and Pam (Jam) from The Office are iconic characters in television history. Using R, I analyzed the sentiment of their dialogue in the show for each episode.

Sugar Consumption

A brief quarto notebook exploring the correlation between sugar consumption and health measures across the globe. Just for fun.

Immigration to the U.S.

Visualizing United States immigration trends for Pick Your Passion. Alternate versions of the visuals are included for some fun exploration.

Moon Phases

A colleague and friend, Joe Keating, apparently likes astronomical data. In an homage to him, I made this dashboard that studies the effect that moon phases have on tides in the Washington, D.C. area.

Choose Your Flight

Using BTS data, this dashboard helps you determine which airports and flights to take based on timeliness and popularity.

Water Usage

I analyze water usage in the continental USA in an attempt to cluster counties by their water usage profile.

WV’s Food Access

West Virginia has a food access problem. This visual explores the disparities that exist between the burgeoning eastern panhandle of WV and the rest of the state.

Dog Adoptions

Using intake data from the Austin, TX animal shelter from 2013 through 2017, I developed decision trees to highlight factors that seemingly lead to successful dog adoptions.